Belted Galloway Beef

Our Beltie Beef is available through Feather and Bone whole animal butchery.
Our pasture-fed Belties are grown out to at least three years of age before being sold over the hooks to Feather and Bone. Slow-growing breeds like Belties need time to grow to a good size and with each passing month the flavor of the beef intensifies and the marbling increases.
We run our cattle in one herd, rotating it through the paddocks every few days to ensure sufficient rest time for the pasture. The pasture at Nurrenyen is multi-species, comprising annual and perennial, native and exotic grasses, legumes, and forbs. We encourage diversity in the pasture to ensure both the availability of all the necessary minerals and nutrients to the cattle and the development of a healthy soil microbial ecology. Consequently, our beef is nutrient-dense, there is increased carbon sequestration and the soil acts as a sponge retaining more of the precious rainwater.
In their last month, the cattle to be sold are separated from the main herd and run together so they bond. This ensures their 90-minute trip to and overnight stay at the abattoir is less stressful. We load them in the afternoon and transport them directly to the abattoir where they are penned together overnight ready for the first kill the next day.
We believe that, out of respect for the animal whose life we are taking for our nutrition, we need to use as much of the animal as possible. That is why we were pleased to find a “nose to tail” butcher like Feather and Bone. After slaughter, the carcasses are chilled and quartered, then shipped together with all the offal to Feather and Bone. The artisans at this butchery then assess and break the carcass preparing the whole animal for sale.
Whenever we sell to Feather and Bone we will post a news article so that if you want to try our Beltie beef you can contact Feather and Bone to arrange your purchase when the meat is available.